The Ball

THE MODEST MANOR DID NOT HAVE A GILDED CEILING and the Tsar and Tsarina would not attend. However, several hundred people crowded the room just the same.

The announcement of Kira Alesksandrovna to the guests caused Roman to turn. She wore a lavender crepe dress with ruffles on one side of the skirt that ran lengthwise to the floor. A small black sash cinched tight around her narrow waist accented her hourglass figure.

Kira’s angelic face when their eyes met almost caused Roman’s knees to buckle. He restrained his desire to take her in his arms and once again feel her velvet lips upon his.

Uri said, “Look, it’s the gambler with Kira.” Roman’s jaw tightened and he let out a quiet growl when he spotted Colonel Mikhail Vershinin holding Kira’s arm. Roman thought back to when he first met Vershinin. Mikhail had collapsed in a drunken stupor at the tavern.

“I’ve found out something else,” Boris said. “My uncle claims that the Colonel is heavily in debt. The Tsar has been giving him money out of the royal coffers.”

Roman raised a brow. “That is very useful information.”

The four stood at attention as Mikhail and Kira approached. “Good evening, gentlemen,” Mikhail swaggered as he spoke. “I would present my fiancé, but I understand you have already met.”

Roman gave the two a slight bow. “Yes, I had the pleasure of escorting Miss Alesksandrovna and her father while they were in St. Petersburg.”

“What brings you to Moscow?” Mikhail said.

Roman saw Kira tense up and her eyes avoided his. Boris stepped in and said, “We are here to speak with my uncle on important business.” Roman swallowed and nodded, grateful for Boris’s lie.

“We thought it would be entertaining to attend the ball and meet some lovely ladies from Moscow.” Roman smiled at Kira.

“Yes, these Muscovites are quite fair.” Fëdor twirled his mustache and scanned the room.

The orchestra started up. Roman’s mind flashed back to the terrace in St. Petersburg where the two first met. They had played the same Strauss Waltz. “Colonel Vershinin would you do me the honor of allowing me a dance with your fiancé?”

Mikhail’s eyes narrowed. He said nothing and nodded to Roman. Roman placed his left hand on Kira’s back, placed her gloved hand in his right, and they waltzed away from Mikhail.”

“I was afraid to ask in front of Mikhail,” Kira said. “Where did you meet Mikhail?”

“Uri met him the other night.” Roman refrained from revealing the Colonel’s condition.

“He’s watching us,” she said.

“He doesn’t like the way you are looking at me,” he said.

“I can’t help myself.” Her cheeks did not show a trace of blush.  

The music ended but Roman held on to Kira’s arm. “He’s coming over and the expression on his face is not pleasant,” Roman said.

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1 Response to The Ball

  1. Okay, time for them to run away. This confrontation could get dangerous.

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